Our precious boy is now 18 months old! A very active, healthy 18 month old thank the Lord! He was in the 10th percentile for weight which is great for him, the 75th for height, and 50th for head circumference. Dr. Crenshaw said had it not been for his heart defect, he would have a very boring chart. He is babbling more and more every day! He loves shoes like his momma and also does pretty well putting his toys away after he is done playing! Yay! His favorite song is Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Also, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus! Since I am working part time now, we have been going to a program called Babies Love the Library on Fridays. I am so thankful that he loves books and enjoys being around other children. He will start to Mother's Day Out in September at Early Arts. I have no doubt that he will love it......Like Jon said tonight, he's not a baby anymore, he's growing into a precious little boy. Counting our Blessings tonight:)