We went on our last Summer vacation ever as just the 3 of us in August. It was wonderful and the weather was beautiful! Bryce absolutely loved the water and sand as he did last year so he had a blast! He played goofy golf for the first time ever and jumped in the pool by himself several times. We stayed the entire week so he got very good at it as the week went on. Enjoy the pics!
I am going to do an abbreviated version of several events that took place during our Summer since I'm so behind. We had several things happen seemingly all at the same time. I would not recommend it. I felt as though I was going crazy, not to mention the early pregnancy hormones working their magic. In June, we moved to a new home in Creekwood after a few months stay in a delightful (kidding!) rental home, I found out I was pregnant after a miscarriage in April, and I also decided to start staying home with Bryce. Yep, if you asked an expert if this was a smart idea to make all of those decisions at the same time, the answer would be a big fat "NO"! Atleast it serves as somewhat of an excuse why I'm so behind on my blogging. We did manage to have a fun day at the zoo in Nashville in late June during which Bryce got very sick with tonsillitis:( We also had a wonderful trip to Destin, FL in August, just the 3 of us that pretty much wrapped up our crazy summer. I was very sick the first trimester of my pregnancy so I tried to stay out of the heat as much as possible in between fun playdates with friends and family gatherings. Enjoy the pics!!